Dr B Lawrence Health Wellness Clinic – Chiropractor Waterloo



The human mind thrives on creativity. When you have a higher openness to thinking in a flexible manner and the ability to entertain new ideas, you have a natural capacity to overcome stress. In other words, the traits of creativity have the potential to give you a healthier, more fulfilling life.

Without being open to new thought and new ideas, you are more likely to become drained, less inspired, and less motivated.

Creativity isn’t exclusive to people who appear to focus on it for a living—it’s for everyone, because we all participate at varying levels, even if only mentally. Following daily routines are by no means the only means to improve your emotional stress levels, but they can certainly cultivate the right conditions to allow your creativity to thrive.

  1. Switch off your thoughts and get into a state of “being”


This may sound like a fruitless or unproductive exercise but it is absolutely essential—not just for your stress levels, but in harnessing the best conditions to be creative. Throughout the day, you have to give your mind a break.

Switching off doesn’t necessarily mean going to sleep—most of us don’t have the luxury of doing that in the middle of the day. It means being relatively inactive in thought; requiring minimal willpower and concentration. This includes not looking at screens or devices, because checking feeds and notifications require a certain level of thought processing power that can drain you pretty quick.

Imagine you yourself, a person as an engine that needs to be refueled emotionally periodically. You can not run on fumes indefinitely without consequences — you need to spend some moments in calm and away from the busyness of your thoughts. Taking micro breaks can help you overcome stress and clear your head, but can also manifest stronger creativity levels.

The trick is not to think of micro breaks as wasted time, but as a way to recharge your batteries.

When you’re in a state of “being”, you become more conscious of your surroundings. Getting into this state is fairly simple and really depends on what works best for you—you might be listening to music, or participating in leisurely exercise such as walking, jogging or cycling. Essentially, something that provides just enough distraction without overbearing concentration or stimulation.

A spinal adjustment at Lawrence Health Wellness centre helps to get your brain functioning in this state of relaxation. This way your creativity can be enhanced greatly.

  1. Exercise for 15 minutes


What you might not know about exercise is that while it can obviously improve your physical health, it also has a positive effect on your stress levels too—in more ways than one. Studies have demonstrated that exercise can enhance creativity, and that a decent workout can even boost your creativity for up to two hours afterwards.

Similar research was carried out by Stanford University, revealing that simply walking has significant benefits to creative thinking; even sustaining for a little while after the walk. Walking either indoors on a treadmill, or outdoors in the fresh air both appear to produce twice as many creative responses compared to a person sitting down.

Physical activities can help the brain cope better with anxiety—without exercise, your body will struggle to efficiently deal with it.

Another side effect of a regular workout is better sleep. As little as 15-20 minutes per day of physical activity can dramatically improve the quality of one’s night-time sleep—65 percent more in fact. With better rest you’re simply much more productive, and able to focus better during the day.

When combined, exercise and healthy eating also have a positive impact. A diet that is rich in fruits and vegetables with a regular intake of complex carbohydrates, essential fatty acids and antioxidants supposedly encourages higher levels of well-being and creativity.

At Lawrence Health Wellness centre, the right exercises for you will be determined so you can get better sleep, be more productive and enter into the creative state that you want to enjoy your life.

  1. Let your mind be alert and curious

Alert and Curious

When you depend on your mind for true creativity and innovation, you cannot be on autopilot and over analyze everything, or be too methodical about your daily process and how you find inspiration—your mind becomes accustomed to familiar paths, and this will lead to the same results over and over again. It’s okay to be disciplined, but you also need to be open to breaking away, spontaneity and receptiveness to the world around you—even if it’s outside of your industry or comfort zone.

It becomes important then, regardless of the creative medium you work in, for your mind to learn how to be more curious if it isn’t already. Curiosity is the secret sauce to an interesting and creative outcome. It’s probably even more important than some of your passions.

The more regularly you practice curiosity, the stronger and more attuned your creative mind is.

The good news is; curiosity is available to you at all times. It’s accessible from anywhere. Whether that’s through observation, exploration, or asking questions, you need to have a child-like stubbornness to be able to tap into your curiosity every single day.

You have to be vigilant, and you have to be paying attention. You have to be optimistic that you’ll find something interesting or learn something new. You have to be fearless. You have to be persistent in going down new paths. Always take pictures, videos or notes of the things that inspire you. Discover it, record it, and your curious mind will thank you for it.

Regular treatment at Lawrence Health Wellness Centre helps put your mind into the relaxed state where curiosity can really thrive and therefore enhance your creativity in life.

To finish off

Once you accept and acknowledge your commitment to maintaining a healthier creative mind, consistency with these habits can go a long way to keep the momentum going. The benefits you’ll get from switching off, exercising and being curious on a regular basis will have a positive impact on your health, and your creativity.

At Lawrence Health Wellness centre, regular adjustments of your spine and Brian – Nervous System and rebooting it, can go far in addressing creativity. It along with recommended exercises and nutrition will help to unleash the “Creative You” out into the world and help you enjoy a fulfilled life.
